Dental Road Map

The Journey of a lifetime

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About Us

Dental Road Map .....Supreme Dental Concepts

Dr Navin Vithal Dental Road Map Designer

Dr Navin R Vithal BSc(Hons), BDS(Otago)

The name Supreme Dental Concepts was conceived in 2005 as a group of dental practices which were involved in the development of dentistry management and business programmes. The founder Dr Navin Vithal has built three new dental practices since 1991 and each has had its own challenges in trying to come up with new innovative ways to deliver its dental services to the general public in an ethical and constructive manner

Dr Vithal has been involved for several years in having input into research for the development of human interfaces with computers and is also involved in several projects about bringing new dental products to the market place.

Dental Road Map

At present Dr Vithal is involved in the development of several projects involving business management feed back and the delivery of a higher quality service to the general public. Dental Road Map is one of the projects that was developed to give back control to the client to achieve their dental goals

Supreme Dental Concepts at the present time has two dental practices and is located both in Central Wellington and Lower Hutt

Map Directions

 Prize Line



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